How to connect the Facebook Audience Network (FAN) with Appmediation?

How to connect the Facebook Audience Network (FAN) with Appmediation?

We have released the latest Android SDK Version (>=1.8.0) and iOS SDK Version (>=1.9.0) to support the Facebook Audience Network (FAN) integration. Follow these steps to enable the FAN on the Appmediation platform:

Initial requirements

  • Personal Facebook Developer Account to access the Business Manager profile in the FAN account. 
  • A live Android or iOS app on the Google Play Store or App Store.
  • A valid payment setup in the Facebook account as all the payments will be handled by Facebook.

FAN Setup

Complete the following steps for creating a Facebook Developer Account: register the app, setup the Monetization Manager, create placements and reporting token. 

Create a Facebook Developer Account

Follow the steps from here.
Press "Create Developer Account" and accept the terms. 

Register the app

Add a new application here

Copy the App ID for the future setup on the Appmediation platform 

Add the Audience Network from "Add a Product" section. 

Monetization Manager setup

Follow this link to create a new Business Manager Account. 

Create a property and add the name of your app. 

Choose the most suitable platform for your app.

Creating a placement 

Select a format for the first ad placement of your app.

Create the additional placements from "Create a new placement" according to your need. 
Add the payment information and send the app for review. 

Copy the Placement ID(s) for the future setup on the Appmediation dashboard. 

Reporting token

To enable the automatic reporting from your FAN account on the Appmediation dashboard, our platform requires an API token. Open this link to fetch it. 

Copy the System User Token for the future setup on the Appmediation dashboard. 

Appmediation FAN Connection

The previous section explained how the whole FAN setup is done. Now follow these instructions for a simple setup on the Appmediation dashboard. 

The mandatory information needed from the FAN Setup
  • App ID
  • Placement ID(s)
  • System Token
Once you have registered the app on the Appmediation platform and selected Facebook as the partner network, complete the following:

In My Apps section -> Click on the Facebook icon

A popup will open and then you need to insert all the required details in it.

That's it, the setup is now complete.

P.S The rewarded video is still in an open Beta from Facebook, so it might not be available to you in their interface. 

For any further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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